Looks like "New Show Season" is fully upon us, and I've been bored enough to check out a few.
I mean… I went to TIFF and saw some Japanese porno, so I feel fully qualified to be a media critic now, at least for a little while.
Tonight I saw Go On, with Matthew Perry and The New Normal, with a bunch of people I don't think I've seen before.
Go On has promise. I'm not sure if it was really all that good, or whether it's just that Matthew Perry can be downright hilarious in a weird sort of way, but I was laughing throughout the whole show.
"Porsche! Start engine!!"
"Does it do that??"
"Shouldn't it???"
Too funny.
As for The New Normal… well… I couldn't help but think that the beginning was just trying to out-gay Modern Family, but that's probably just because they were making Modern Family references in the commercials over the past few days leading up to it. Overall though… meh. It just wasn't that funny. I absolutely bust a gut when the retarded guy called the gay guy a fag, but other than that I didn't find any real laugh out loud moments.
And before you get too offended by the above wording, please watch the show. You'll know exactly what I mean. That was some seriously funny shiz!
Again though… other than that scene, it just didn't draw me in. I might watch it again if I catch Go On and it comes on after, but if I set the PVR for Go On, then it's all over for this show.
So there you have it… there's a new funny Matthew Perry show to watch. I know at least one person that might read this blog that will appreciate that. Enjoy! 🙂