Category Archives: NotWeasel For Lunch!

These are the posts from the old NotWeasel For Lunch blog, mostly about my adventures in trying everything I could find in the food courts near my work.

10 With Noodles?

Some day I will tell you all about the 10 With Noodles, but not today.

Today we went to our regular Chinese haunt on Temperence St. just west of Yonge and I tried the Pad Thai.

I wasn't expecting much, ordering Thai food in a Chinese place, and got pretty much what I expected.

I really only ordered it for the sake of trying something different. It was reasonably tasty, but not nearly as much so as I'm used to from actual Thai places.

What it lacked in taste though, they more than made up for in quantity so I still came away quite satisfied. That was one big mound of food for my $6.50!

Not a bad experience, but it sure as hell wasn't a 10 With Noodles.

Today I Tried Burrito Boyz

Today I finally tried Burrito Boyz, which had previously been highly recommended to me.

I had a large steak burrito and it was delicious.

It was far and away better than the one I had previously at Fresh West.

Honestly, I think Fresh West was just having an off day or something. That steak burrito wasn't anywhere near as good as the chicken one I'd had from them previously. Perhaps some day I'll give it another chance. Not before having another chicken one though.

I definitely recommend Burrito Boyz for a tasty, filling lunch. Just ensure you have somewhere to go to eat it or that it's nice enough outside to chill on the sidewalk and eat on the go. There's really no room in the place amongst the lunch crowd to sit and eat, despite the existance of some bar stools and a little countertop.

WTF Is This??

Last week during lunch, the topic of the McDonald's Filet O' Fish came up.

Who ever orders this thing? Is there a McFish market that we're largely unaware of? Might the thing taste good?

It didn't seem likely, but the fact remained that I'd never tried one and it seemed a bit rash to denounce it as a waste of menu space without ever actually eating one.

I decided that the next time I was in a food court for lunch with a McD's in it, I'd try the fishburger for better or worse, so at least I could say I'd done it.

Friday was that day. I did it. It sucked.

I give them full marks for presentation though. I think it was the first burger I've ever got from a fast food place that looked exactly the same as it does in the pictures. It was perfect, right down to the glassy smooth bun. It didn't really look all that edible, really. It looked like a plastic toy of some sort. Not so much as a crease in the bun. A perfect square fish thing in the middle. A little bit of the tartar sauce hanging down the side. Not really appetizing, but perfect none the less.

As for the taste… well it tasted exactly like what you'd expect a McFishBurger to taste like. Pretty much crap. I don't think I'll ever be cooking up fish at home and think that the perfect thing to top it off will be a piece of processed cheese.

In the end, I still can't figure out how it's stayed on the menu all these years while such greatness like the Arch Deluxe has gone the way of the dodo.

So then… why am I rambling on here about a fishburger? Well I've decided to try my best to have something different for lunch every day from now on until I run out of options at the various establishments I go to.

Every day. Nothing the same. And you'll hear about it here.

I know. You're moist just thinking about it. Exciting times, these are.

So Friday was McFishBurger day.

Yesterday, I was at KFC and ordered the Spicy Big Crunch combo with the poutine. Cost damn near $10.

For $10 I can get the killer burrito from Fresh West, so with that bit of perspective, I realized again why I never get the Big Crunch combo with a poutine at KFC.

It's delicious. No issues there. It's just not worth the couple extra bucks you pay over a Classic and poutine combo. The burger is a bit bigger… but for those extra 2 bucks you could add another 2 pieces of regular chicken. The Big Crunch is not two pieces of chicken bigger.

So there you have it. Get the classic combo with the poutine and add a piece of chicken for a buck. It'll be cheaper and more filling.

As a final aside, KFC at this point has the best fast food poutine I've had. I'll be sure to post here if I come across a better one sometime during these lunchtime adventures.