The alarmist headlines now are that 300 city jobs are going to be lost because our new mayor is considering privatizing garbage collection in some sections of the city.
I say… GREAT!
The message the left-leaning press seems to be pushing is that we're going to have 300 families put out on the street because their incomes have been cut off and they've been cast to the wolves.
The fact is, the less people we have making wages far beyond their job values at the tax payers expense, the better off we will be as a population. If there are 300 people who cannot find jobs making equal or better pay than they were getting, then that means there were 300 people that my tax dollars were over-paying because nobody is held accountable for how public money is handed out.
It's not as though nobody is going to pick up garbage anymore. Does anyone care about all the people that will be lining up for the jobs offered by the private companies that will now be doing garbage collection?
If I thought for a second that the dollars from the laid-off municipal garbage workers' salaries weren't going to line politicians' pockets, I'd say you have a point.
I agree that there's plenty of corruption in the system and that loads of money is being misspent, but the solution to that is not to continually hand out money to undeserving people under the pretext that it would otherwise be wasted anyway.
Agreed, I'm just saying that — rather than handing out money to "undeserving people" — it's likely going to be handed out to other undeserving people.