I think we should send out a big thank-you to Michael Ignatieff and the Liberal Party of Canada. Even though none of us wanted an election right now and it was completely unnecessary, in the end I believe it turned out quite well.
We've spent the past couple years under the constant threat of the opposition parties toppling the government as soon as they felt they'd have something to gain by it. Now, with the Conservative majority government, we can look forward to a few years of stability without this constant worry.
Congratulations to Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada for a job well done over the past few years. You've earned the privilege to run the country as you see fit for the next few years. Now is the time to earn the trust of Canadians and prove that you have good intentions for our future.
For the next few years, you have a responsibility to show respect for the taxpayers and make our country a better place for hard working Canadians to prosper.
If you muck it up, you'd better believe it will be your last opportunity in a long time. I sincerely hope that doesn't end up being the case.
I'd like to give a particular shout-out to the people in my riding, and all the others in the Toronto area, who clearly educated themselves on the issues involved and didn't just blindly vote for the Liberals again. I am frankly shocked and pleasantly surprised. In election after election I've had the feeling like my vote has been pointless and that I'm surrounded by a sea of lemmings. Yesterday you proved that I was wrong in that impression, and I amd very happy and proud of my fellow Canadians for having done that.
It may well turn out that we're not happy with how the Conservatives perform, and the Liberal party might get some good people in place over the next few years to make them a viable option again. Things may swing back in their direction, but at least now I'll feel like an actual choice was made, and that makes me happier.
If the Conservatives make a hash of things, I'll be first in line to vote against them. If, as they've done so far, they make my life better rather than worse, then I'll be quite happy to vote them back in.
I am proud to be a Canadian and feel privileged that we have the opportunity to go out and vote without threats of violence looming over our heads. So many people in the world are fighting and dying for this privilege. If you didn't bother, then shame on you. If you did, then I hope you're feeling the same pride that I am right now whether your preferred candidate won or not.
This is a good day for Canada!
Sure, but now my back's sore from all the slapping you've given it.