Homewrecker who was elected as a Conservative representative to govern. I sure hope her constituants think twice before casting their votes next time.
Of course, when her daddy is the boss, it's a tough call voting your conscience. Assuming those people have a conscience.
Asked bluntly about her sex life, Stronach responded: "Let's face it. I don't sit at home and knit on Friday nights."
Dirty, dirty, whore.
Funnily enough, a poll of her constituents shortly after she 'crossed the floor' suggested that the majority of them apparently did the relatively unthinkable in Ontario… they voted for the person rather than the party. (meaning, they didn't really care that she was with a different party, they'd still vote for her) *shrug*
Rumours are great on a slow news day, but let's face it… unless one of the two (presumably) people involved admits it in so many words, or someone produces photographic evidence, it's all just rumour and speculation. Oh no…they're living at the same expensive golf resort… they must be banging each other! Meh. Who cares? Really.
Yes! Women who like sex are evil, filthy vile creatures! Men, however, are just following their nature.
Heh. I don't she quite stepped over the line into "dirty whore" territory until she started sleeping with a married man [a married man with kids none the less]. I have no problem with people wanting to screw around all they want, but don't commit to one woman and then bang another. Save everyone the trouble and never commit.
God help me, I've a moral conscience. 😉
Alia: Not true. I'm pretty sure I've told everyone that will listen, NotWeasel's a man-whore. 😉
Oh hell no! That's not what I'm getting at at all! Women who like sex are wonderful, wonderful creatures!
It's women who hold office in the capacity of a family-values-promoting Conservative who shack up with married men whom I take issue with.
I have no respect for men who date married women either. There's no excuse for that. It's vile, and she's a whore for condoning it.
Looking back on my comments, I can see how it was misconstrued. The quote I used in and of itself is all well and good. When read in the context of an MP having an affair with a married man however, then you get the impression that I'm trying to portray here.
Okay first off, I didn't vote for her. I voted for the twit who refused to comment or take a stand on anything. Given her lack of position on well anything, you can't totally blame people for voting for Belinda.
However, I think the reason the ladies are annoyed is that you've placed no blame at the feet of the married man in this situation. It takes two to tango as they say. You only seem to have condemnation for the people who date married people, what about the men and women who take vows (not always before God) to love one and no other till death parts them?
Actually, I was more interested in exposing the societal double-standard than NotWeasel's. I really couldn't give a rat's ass what Mr. Domi does or does not do in his personal life, no matter how immoral it is, it's none of my business.
"It's women who hold office in the capacity of a family-values-promoting Conservative who shack up with married men whom I take issue with.
Umm… she's holding office in the capacity of an "amoral Liberal", so does that make it better? 😉
But yes… quite apart from the dispicable action of being involved with someone who's married and helping them destroy the trust and faith placed on them by their spouse, the notion of being very publicly a member of a group with specific, widely publicized "values" and yet conducting your life in a manner contrary to those "values" would definitely be hypocritical. Maybe THAT's why she really crossed the floor… it had nothing to do with political aspiration, it was all so she could screw a married man without a crisis of conscience 😉
Crap. I had it all backwards in my head. I thought she'd crossed the floor to become a Conservative but, in fact, she did just the opposite in order to prop up the previous lying, thieving, Liberal government and then, in the recent election, her idiot constituants re-elected her as a Liberal because they're all working for her daddy.
My bad on the confusion.
At least it would appear that she is where she belongs and is not tainting our current party-in-power.
Stupid whore.
ROFLMAO — "Allegedly"
heh. I figure she's got lots of expensive lawyers. Figured I'd best cover my ass.
Laughing… so… hard… oh the tears… make… them… stop.