Complaint about Burrito Boyz??

Sadly, today I had my first less than perfect experience at Burrito Boyz, though it really wasn't that bad.

Check the archives for all the great times but alas, I finally got one that was slightly overgrilled.

It still tasted delicious, but with the lack of trays or decent seating, it made it almost impossible to eat the whole thing.

The overgrilling caused the shell to become brittle and it just started falling apart in my hands. Every time I'd peel back a bit of the paper, more stuff just fell out onto the table and my hands.

Was it ever tasty though!

It was a small bean and cheese burrito and it was awesome. I just wish I could have eaten the whole thing rather than just what I managed to get into my mouth without dropping.

And I think I ate some of the paper wrapping.

Probably the best tasting paper wrapping I've ever had.

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