I thought I’d never have to deal with this tooth again. Truly. I thought I was done. Problem solved.
But here we are. Somehow, while eating some chicken, a piece of the new tooth came off. Not chicken bones. Not rocks. Just chicken.
I guess now I’ll find out what sort of warranty comes with new teeth.
Does the tooth fairy buy imitation teeth??
Oh wow, I’m sorry that the saga of the tooth continues. Hopefully, this gets addressed without added cost, and in a timely manner.
You and me both!!
I’m starting to think it’s just an attention whore and will never leave me alone. 🙁
Well… to cap this story off, my dentist smoothed out the sharp edges with a grinder and called it good.
It’s been a couple days and it all feels ok, so hopefully this is the end of this saga. Again. Of course we all know it won’t be.