So the Greeks seem determined to plunge the world into another deep recession.
Now… the fact that they're able to do this is a topic of its own, but that's not my point here.
I'm just wondering whether they're doing it on purpose to line their own pockets. The people in charge are part of the infamous 1% right? So this seems like the sort of thing they'd do… and rest of the world be damned.
If the Greeks look like they're about to resolve their issues and take care of business, the markets go up like a rocket.
If they give the indication that they're full of crap and can't resolve anything at all, the markets drop like a rock.
So if you're in charge there… and you buy a bunch of index funds… you'd do well to announce to the world that everything is under control.
Then you sell your funds at a massive profit. You then short-sell a bunch of ETF's and… I don't know… maybe announce that you've changed your mind and decided to let the people decide in some snap referendum.
There's another massive profit.
And so on and so forth.
I mean… these guys know exactly what's going to happen based on what they decide to do. How do we know they're not all just messing with us for their own gain? They're politicians, right?