This was just too amusing to not post.
I was having a chat about tax software and someone mentioned that TurboTax might be worth a shot. Right now all my tax history is kept in some software called ProFile so my first thought was whether or not I can easily convert those files.
I went to the TurboTax website and right at the top is a box that says "Ask a question, get an expert answer". Sounds like exactly what I need!
So here is what happened:
Your Question
“Convert profile history”
Our Expert Answer
The vehicle plug-in conversion credit is 10% of the cost of converting any motor vehicle (new or used) to a qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle. The maximum credit is $4,000 per vehicle. The property must be placed in service after February 17, 2009 through 2011. TurboTax will calculate your allowable credit.
And that is all. Just that answer. Lol! Well there you have it. Probably not for me…