I like God, and I think he likes me too.
Last night on my way home from work, I ran out of gas on the highway. I thought I had enough to make it home. It turned out that I was wrong.
What followed, however, made for some great entertainment. I had just come out of the express lanes when the juice ran out and the engine turned off. I tried to get it restarted, hoping maybe there was enough left sloshing around to get some pressure back in the system, but it didn’t happen so I went to neutral and proceeded to safely get us out of harm’s way.
I moved over 3 lanes to the far left and proceeded to coast all the way to the end of the offramp… and through a right turn (on a red light… shame on me for not coming to a complete stop), and then up a slight hill, down a bit of a grade, into a gas station and up to a pump. I barely had to touch the brake to stop at the pump.
Bear in mind that all this happened right at the height of rush hour. So many things fell perfectly into place to make this happen it was unbelievable.
If there weren’t two other people in the car with me to witness it, I wouldn’t even bother telling the story.
Thanks again, God!
"I moved over 3 lanes to the far left and proceeded to coast all the way to the end of the offramp… "
You do mean to the right don't you?
Yes. I'm just somewhat mentally challenged. Surely everyone here has realized that by now.